Proton radiography and accurate density measurements: A window into shock wave processes

Autor: Mark Marr-Lyon, Dale Tupa, Kris Kwiatkowski, Christopher Morris, Frank E. Merrill, Fesseha Mariam, C. L. Schwartz, Alexander Saunders, P. Rightly, P. A. Rigg, Robert Hixson, Gary E. Hogan
Rok vydání: 2008
Zdroj: Physical Review B. 77
ISSN: 1550-235X
Popis: Direct density measurements were made from shock-loaded aluminum and copper samples by combining plate-impact experiments with proton radiography at the Los Alamos Neutron Science Center. Flyer plates were accelerated using a 40 mm bore powder gun to create a shock wave in a sample. The sample material was then interrogated in real time using the proton radiography facility. The increase in density behind the shock front causes a measurable change in the transmission of protons through the sample, which can then be quantified as a density value in the material. Hugoniot values were calculated using more traditional techniques to evaluate the accuracy of the radiographically obtained density measurements.
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