Circuit Synthesis Using Pathological Elements

Autor: Hung-Yu Wang, Quoc-Minh Nguyen, Nan-Hui Chiang, Shun-Hsyung Chang
Rok vydání: 2014
Zdroj: Springer Proceedings in Physics ISBN: 9783319037486
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-03749-3_26
Popis: The concept of pathological nullor and mirror elements has proven to be a very valuable tool for circuit analysis, synthesis, circuit transformation and interrelation in the realizations using different active elements. The pathological elements provide a common framework for linear and nonlinear circuits. In this paper, the nullor and nullor-mirror equivalents are reviewed, and several new nullor-mirror equivalents are proposed. The nullor-mirror equivalents are conductive to reducing circuit complexity and synthesizing new functional circuits. Combining the nullor-mirror equivalents with circuit transformation techniques, more useful functional circuits with simpler circuit structures can be generated. The circuit synthesis using the proposed nullor-mirror equivalents is illustrated to demonstrate the usefulness and feasibility.
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