Individual band-importance functions for children with normal hearing and children with hearing loss

Autor: Ryan W. McCreery, Meredith Spratford, Adam K. Bosen, Elizabeth A. Walker
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 150:A340-A340
ISSN: 0001-4966
Popis: Band-importance functions represent the contributions of frequency regions to speech recognition. Average band-importance functions for adults with normal hearing are used to estimate speech intelligibility and in hearing-aid signal processing. Children and listeners with hearing loss show considerable individual variability in band-importance, but the factors that contribute to differences in band-importance are not well-understood. Two experiments were conducted to examine auditory and developmental factors that predicted individual band-importance for children with normal hearing and children with hearing loss. In the first experiment, the effects of receptive vocabulary and selective attention on band-importance for 5–12 year-old children with normal hearing was measured for words and nonwords. Our hypothesis was that children with larger vocabularies and better selective attention skills would have larger importance weights for mid-frequencies, a pattern consistent with adult band-importance functions than children with poorer skills in these domains. In the second experiment, the effects of audibility on band-importance functions for a group of children with mild-to-moderate sensorineural hearing loss was measured for words. Our hypothesis was that band-importance would be higher for bands where children had better audibility through their hearing aids. The results confirmed these hypotheses. Implications for future research are discussed.
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