Government Officials Clarify the Situation

Autor: Peter H. Reid
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: Every Hill a Burial Place
DOI: 10.5810/kentucky/9780813179988.003.0005
Popis: Tanzania Peace Corps director Paul Sack and Peace Corps doctor Tom McHugh fly to Mwanza, meet with attorneys, then fly to Maswa. In Maswa, they meet Bill, who appears to be suffering from a severe stress reaction; McHugh performs a postmortem on Peppy; and they fly back to Mwanza, where McHugh assists an eminent pathologist from Nairobi in a second and more complete autopsy. In Dar es Salaam, Peace Corps officials meet with Tanzania police officers to find out how the police plan to proceed, while Peace Corps medical staff deal with the complex issues of obtaining a coffin suitable for withstanding the heat and humidity, the proper medical exit authorization, and where to find an expert pathologist.
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