Autor: Ngo Xuan Hung, Boris Bulgakov, Tang Van Lam, Olga Aleksandrova, Oksana Larsen
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: Vestnik MGSU. :1499-1508
ISSN: 2304-6600
Popis: Introduction. The possibility of determining the relative deformations of fine-grained concretes based on sulfate-resistant cement was formulated by testing samples of gypsum-cement-sand mixture in distilled water in accordance with the requirements of the Vietnamese standard TCVN 6068:2004. Objective - to determine the deformations of fine-grained concrete because of sulfate-resistant Portland cement in accordance with the requirements of the TCVN 6068:2004 standard to assess its resistance to corrosion in an aggressive sulfate medium. Materials and methods. To obtain a gypsum-cement-sand mixture, a finely disintegrating binder was used, consisting of sulfate-resistant Portland cement of the type CEM I CC 42.5 N produced by the “Tam Diep” plant with the addition of natural gypsum produced by the company “Dinh Vu”. Quartz sand was used as fine aggregate. All raw materials used were native to Vietnam. Grinding fineness, normal cement density, setting time, the uniformity of the volume change and the activity of sulfate-resistant Portland cement were determined according to GOST 30744-2001; deformations of samples from gypsum-cement-sand mixtures - according to the Vietnamese standard TCVN 6068:2004. Results. Investigated the relative increase in the volume of samples of gypsum-cement-sand mixture based on sulfate-resistant Portland cement and natural gypsum as a result of their testing in distilled water according to the standard TCVN 6068:2004. Conclusions. Found that the average value of the relative deformation of the prism samples of concrete as a result of a 14-day test in distilled water was 0.037 %, which is within the acceptable value of 0.04 % in accordance with the requirements of the Vietnamese standard TCVN 6067:2004. Therefore, sulfate-resistant Portland cement type CEM I CC 42.5 N produced by the “Tam Diep” plant is a promising material as a binder for the preparation of corrosion-resistant concrete. The increase in the mean values of the relative deformations of the gypsum-cement-sand prism specimens after the 28-day and 60-day of testing, compared to the results of the 14-day test, can be explained by a slightly increased content of tricalcium aluminate in the studied cement.
Databáze: OpenAIRE