Optoelectronic laser spectroscopy for diagnostics of toxic metal traces in liquids

Autor: Yu N Parkhomenko, V. B. Andrienko, O. V. Gorbenko, E. I. Kapinus
Rok vydání: 1999
Zdroj: SPIE Proceedings.
ISSN: 0277-786X
Popis: interaction with indicators (with their complexes).In this work we develop the laser spectroscopy for the determination of toxicmetal traces in liquids (in particular mercury and lead). The main attention is focusedon the increase of the sensitivity of the spectral measurement. For it we developed themethod that is based on the use of the spectroscopy analysis with the special choiceboth of special indicators immobilized in film and of the special multifrequency laserradiation according to spectral peculiarities of indicators and their complexes. At thesame time we developed the method of shaping the complex multifrequency spectrumin solid-state lasers with electron-phonon transitions.
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