Mechanically Biased Nano-Resonators for Signal Transduction

Autor: Andreas Hoerner, Werner Wegscheider, Robert H. Blick, Florian W. Beil
Rok vydání: 2003
Zdroj: Volume 5: 19th Biennial Conference on Mechanical Vibration and Noise, Parts A, B, and C.
DOI: 10.1115/detc2003/vib-48521
Popis: We realize nanomechanical resonators for studying their mechanical properties in the nonlinear regime. This is of prime importance considering signal mixing which is a direct result of nonlinear mechanical response. Combining signal mixing with the advantages of mechanical systems is very promising, especially when considering the high speed of operation currently becoming available. The resonators are implemented as hybrid wires machined in semiconductor substrates such as GaAs and Si, possessing mechanical modes up to 400 MHz. Magnetomotive excitation and capacitive on-chip detection are used to determine the mechanical response. We apply a specially designed mechanical resonator, shaped as a T-resonator or divining rod, for mechanically biasing the nanoresonator. This approach allows us to extend the parameter range accessible into the regime of nonlinear dynamics [Erb98,Krs01,Shb02a].
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