Instruction and assessment of student communication skills in US and Canadian pharmacy curricula

Autor: Anandi V. Law, Prashant Sakharkar, Eunice P. Chung, Emmanuelle Schwartzman
Rok vydání: 2013
Zdroj: Currents in Pharmacy Teaching and Learning. 5:508-517
ISSN: 1877-1297
Popis: Objectives To (1) describe the current status of instruction and assessment of communication skills and (2) identify potential changes being considered in US and Canadian pharmacy schools. Methods A cross-sectional, web-based survey was conducted of faculty who teach and/or oversee communication curricula. Results Seventy nine of 137 schools completed the survey. An average of 9.69 faculty members, mostly PharmD (78.5%), teach communication. Majority of schools reported all 24 domains as a “required” component of the curriculum with the exception of topics in special populations and sensitive topics. Communication is delivered primarily via lecture format and assessed by written examinations. About half the respondents indicated changes such as increased communication content and contact hours and change in delivery and assessment methods. Conclusions This survey identified current topics, delivery methods, and gaps in coverage of communication curriculum in pharmacy schools, which can help with planning of training workshops or resources for instructors, by individual schools and by AACP.
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