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Jan Łukasiewicz was one of leading logicians of the XX-th century, universally regarded as the father of many-valued logics which proved to be the language for many paradigms of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence, inventor of the Polish notation whose dual, the Reverse Polish notation has become implemented in computers and calculators, renowned historian of logic especially of logics of Stoics school and of Aristotle, twice the Rector of Warsaw University in academic years 1922/23 and 1931/32, Minister of Religious Beliefs and Public Enlightenment in the Paderewski cabinet in 1919, earlier in Ministry of Education in provisional Jan Kanty Steczkowski cabinet in 1918, born in Lwow at the time of autonomization of Galicia, student at the Lwow University at the time of its start toward flourishing, in Warsaw between 1915 and 1944, then an exile in Germany, Belgium and finally in Ireland, far from dear Lwow and Poland. He was one of pillars of the world famous Warsaw School of Logic alongside of Warsaw School od Mathematics, Lwow School of Mathematics, Warsaw - Lwow School of Philosophy together with Kazimierz Twardowski, Alfred Tarski, Stanislaw Leśniewski, Stefan Banach, Hugo Steinhaus, Juliusz Schauder, Stanislaw Mazur, Stanislaw Ulam, Waclaw Sierpinski, Kazimierz Kuratowski, Stefan Mazurkiewicz, Adolf Lindenbaum, Mordechaj Wajsberg, Boleslaw Sobocinski and many others. They worked in often difficult conditions, living through two world wars, regional conflicts, many of them lost all their possessions and archives, forced to rebuild their lives anew, often overseas, but always devoted to Poland and its causes |