Advances in understanding processes driving the formation and evolution of sedimentary basins

Autor: Matenco , Liviu, Scheck-Wenderoth , Magdalena, Nader , Fadi Henri
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2021
DOI: 10.48380/dggv-cfkn-ra40
Popis: This session addresses the dynamics of sedimentary basins at different temporal and spatial scales and aims to bring together a wide range of studies focusing on geodynamics, tectonics and sediment dynamics. Contributions addressing major processes affecting the genesis and evolution of basins are in particular encouraged (from rifting and overlying passive continental margins to orogenic, intra-montane and extensional back-arcs in convergent settings). A wide range of studies are encouraged, aimed at understanding the evolution of sedimentary fill, the underlying crustal and lithospheric -scale dynamics as well as the integration with processes taking place in the source areas, such as active orogens or long-term landscape evolution. We welcome contributions integrating data from different depth levels of the lithosphere with the shallower parts of the basin system as subsidence pattern, stress, vertical motions, erosion and sedimentation dynamics, thermal structure, lithosphere dynamics and (active) faulting by the means of observational studies, numerical and analogue modeling, or their combination. Studies yielding constraints on a variety of conceptual and quantitative models explaining the origin and evolution of basins are also welcomed. Session sponsored by the International Lithosphere Program Task Force VI Sedimentary Basins
Databáze: OpenAIRE