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A one-day workshop on scientific writing was held at KISTMedical College, Lalitpur, Nepal on Saturday, 27th February2010. Topics covered were ‘Writing an original researcharticle’, ‘Writing an abstract’, ‘Why articles are rejected –views from a reviewer’, ‘Tips for effective scientific writing’,‘Writing a case report’ and ‘Journals where you can publishyour work’. The various sections of an original research articleare abstract, introduction, materials and methods, results,discussion, conclusion, acknowledgements, references andfigures and tables. Let us now examine the first section of apaper, the abstract. An abstract can be regarded as anabbreviated and accurate representation of the papercontents. Abstracts can be unstructured, in IMRaD format(Introduction, Methods, Results and Discussion) or in an eightheading format. Key words help in indexing and retrieval.Common reasons why articles are rejected are that they aresent to the wrong journal, the article does not follow the wordlimits of the journal or is not prepared in accordance with thejournal instructions, errors with presentation, grammar andlanguage, problems with the theoretical framework,references to appropriate literature are lacking or there areserious methodological flaws. A narrative structure should linktogether various parts of the paper. Sentences should beshort, written in active voice and address one thought at atime. Unnecessary words should be deleted and short andsimple words used instead of long and complicated ones.While writing an original article most authors start with theMethods section and then write the Results. Ensure that thearticle conforms to the journal’s guidelines for authors.Plagiarism should be avoided and previous studies read,understood and then paraphrased in the writer’s own words.A case report, one of the forms of scientific writing is acarefully documented scientific observation useful foreducation, research, practice and self learning. Theessential components of a case report are title, abstract,introduction, case presentation or description, discussion,conclusion and references. |