Autor: A. Mazaraki, N. Vedmid
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2013
Zdroj: Економіка розвитку, Vol 67, Iss 3, Pp 51-55 (2013)
ISSN: 2304-6155
Popis: The analysis of the state and tendencies of activity is stipulated by the necessity to select development parameters of health resort and recreational enterprises. At the same time the analysis of a particular branch features in scientific literature is not sufficient.Basic descriptions of categories "development of enterprises", "para­meters of enterprises", and also structural descriptions of health resort and recreational enterprises as complex adaptive and socioeconomic system have been considered. Such groups of parameters of development are selected: economic, social, natural and resource, ecological, medical, business and techno­logical (service).At the same time, as structural parameters it is suggested to understand structural changes of health resort and recreational enterprises in accordance with their typical structure. A structural analysis allows to solve difficult tasks of co-operation between the subjects of sanatorium-resort sphere and get recommendations in relation to its development.It is necessary to determine the optimum ratio between kinds and types of health resort and recreational enterprises. Thus, the optimum structure of health resort and recreational enterprises by types shows the unique corre­lation which is conditioned by the demand of holiday-makers and by the necessity of domestic social sphere. At the same time it allows to provide sanatorium-resort and health services of the high quality.
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