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In this study, “scale of attitude towards library usage” was developed in order to determine attitude of pre-service teachers at education faculty towards library. Before developing the scale, literature review was done and five grade Likert-type draft items were written and presented to expert view. According to expert views, some of the questions were excluded from the scale, some of the questions were corrected. After expert view, draft scale composed of 25 items was applied on 300 students who study at different departments of Cumhuriyet University Education Faculty and determined in random method. As a result of validity-reliability study carried out on 248 data left after excluding extreme values, a single factoral scale composed of 18 items was developed. Statistical calculations of obtained data were carried out with SPSS Package program and Lisrel 87 program. KMO value of the scale was “,908” and value of Barlett’s test was ”x2=1593,877; sd=153 (p |