Variabilité climatique de 1951 à 2017 dans le département de Linguère (Sénégal) : cas des arrondissements de Barkédji, Sagatta Djoloff et Yang-Yang

Autor: Ibra Sarr, Aminata Ndiaye, Guilgane Faye, Mbagnick Faye
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Physio-Géo, Vol 16, Pp 29-47 (2021)
Popis: Understanding and characterizing large-scale climate variability is fundamental to understanding its impacts, local vulnerability and thus proposing appropriate solutions. It is in this context that this article aims to analyze the different adaptation strategies developed by farmers in the sylvopastoral area of the department of Linguère district of Barkédji, Sagatta Djoloff and Yang-Yang located in the department of Linguère, in the face of climate variability. This department has been subject to high rainfall instability for several decades, according to data from the Linguère station over the period 1951-2017. The analysis of variability from the PETTIT rupture test reveals three distinct periods: a very rainy period from 1951 to 1969, another dry period from 1970 to the 2000s, and a period marked by a marked improvement in rainfall in the late 2000s.This situation of rainfall variability has severely affected agriculture, which is one of the main activities of the populations as well as their livelihoods. As a result, the farmers in the department have implemented several adaptation strategies. These include those relating to farming methods (choice of cultivated species and varieties) and to diversification of rural activities. These different strategies were apprehended from field surveys conducted near the agricultural population of the department of Linguère.
Databáze: OpenAIRE