Research and Science Today Supplement No. 1/2014

Autor: Elena-Steluţa DINU, Elena - Roxana DOBRIŢOIU, Raul Constantin TĂNASE, Alina BUZĂIANU, Andreea Emilia DUȚĂ, Flavius-Cristian MĂRCĂU, Ion PANAIT, Paul DUȚĂ, Magda Simona SCUTARU, Nicolaie MĂNESCU, Dragoș DAVIȚOIU, Laura MANDA, Florin CHIRCULESCU, Diana EPURE, Mărgărita MATEI, Smaranda NIȚĂ, Magda SANDU, Daniel TELEANU, Raluca TELEANU
Jazyk: němčina
Rok vydání: 2014
Zdroj: Research and Science Today (2014)
Popis: RESEARCH AND SCIENCE TODAY is a biannual science journal established in 2011. The journal is an informational platform that publishes assessment articles and the results of various scientific research carried out by academics. We provide the authors with the opportunity to create and/or perfect their science writing skills. Thus, each issue of the journal (two per year and at least two supplements) will contain professional articles from any academic field, authored by domestic and international academics. The goal of this journal is to pass on relevant information to undergraduate, graduate, and post-graduate students as well as to fellow academics and researchers; the topics covered are unlimited, considering its multi-disciplinary profile. Regarding the national and international visibility of Research and Science Today, it is indexed in over 30 international databases (IDB) and is present in over 200 online libraries and catalogues; therefore, anybody can easily consult the articles featured in each issue by accessing the databases or simply the website.
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