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The quail chickens took feeding complex of glycine chelated microelements and microbial β-carotene during 90-day growing period. The inorganic compounds of copper, zinc, iron, manganese and cobalt were replaced by their glycine forms in a dose corresponding to the physiological daily norm in these elements. We fixed increasing the thickness of shell eggs by 5.2 % compared with the control group, and by 11 % compared to quails, which took feeding complex of glycinate microelements and microbial β-carotene in a dose equal to half physiological norm. Replacement of inorganic sources of microelements with their glycinate in doses of norm and half norm did not affect the weight of the eggs, yolks and shell of egg; nevertheless, the quail that treated of glycinate microelements in half norm doses, increased weight protein eggs by 3.3 % compared to quail, that feeding by glycinate microelements in norm dose. Feeding of quail of glycinate microelements and microbial β-carotene in a half norm dose caused the egg shell thickness reduction by 5l6 % compared to the control group. The introduction of glycinate microelements and microbial β-carotene in a daily norm dose contributed to the accumulation of dry matter in eggs by 3% due to the increase of organic matter, including 1.6 per cent of crude protein, 0.6 per cent of nitrogen free extract, and 0.17 per cent of ash. We registered strong increase of nitrogen free extract in the eggs of Group II by 0.88 % compared to the control. |