Effect of desiccation on plantain cv. 'FHIA-21' (Musa AAAB) somatic embryos germination

Autor: Harol González Gallardo, Leyanis García-Águila, Alexis Rodríguez, Blanca Pérez, Eloísa Rodríguez
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2014
Zdroj: Biotecnología Vegetal, Vol 14, Iss 3 (2014)
ISSN: 2074-8647
Popis: The aspects related to the development of somatic embryo maturation, germination and conversion in plants are necessary for effective mass propagation of bananas and plantains by somatic embryogenesis. For this reason, the aim of the paper was to determine the effect of desiccation on germination of somatic embryos of banana cv. `FHIA-21' (Musa AAAB). The embryos were exposed to rapid desiccation by exposure to air of the laminar flow cabinet for 5, 10 and 15 minutes. In addition, a gradual drying strategy applied to the embryos in Petri dishes without culture medium at 4 and 27ºC, for 48 hours. In both cases, after desiccation, the embryos were transferred to semisolid medium and after 20 days, it were placed to germinate in a new culture medium. After 45 days of culture, the number of germinated embryos were quantified. The results showed that rapid desiccation of somatic embryos for 5 minutes increased the number of germinated embryos. Similarly, both the gradual desiccation temperatures tested was an increase in the number of somatic embryos germinated. Key works: morphology, somatic embryogenesis, temperature
Databáze: OpenAIRE