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Purpose. This study seeks to highlight the strong identification of athletes with the role they fulfill and the possible consequences that a limited self-identity can have upon entering a transition phase towards another career outside the sporting world and other social settings.Methods. For accomplishing the goals of this essay I have used the methods of observation and bibliographical study.Conclusions. Analysis reveals that coincidences, both positive and negative, associated with this strong sportive identity, do indeed exist. Sportive identity has been related to improvement of sportive performances rise of self-confidence improvement of the social relations and interactions and diminishment of anxiety. On the other hand, one-dimensional orientation towards achieving sportive excellence, which comes along with competing in the elite class, can have potential psychological and social dangers The high level of identification with the role of an athlete can devalorify a quality education or even completely ignore it in some of the development stages, thus taking away from the athletes’ important competences necessary in the development of the individual. |