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本研究之目的在探討足量運動與運動時間點對高中生體適能、創造力思考能力及數學學科成就之影響,採前後測準實驗設計,以抽取臺北市都會型女子高中三個高一班級,共113位學生為樣本,進行三種教學策略之評估—傳統體育課組(對照組)、足量運動且非數學課前運動組(實驗組一)和足量運動且數學課前運動組(實驗組二),所蒐集的資料以單因子共變數分析及多變量變異數分析考驗三組在各向度總分與分向度分數之異同。研究結果顯示:一、在體適能方面,兩組實驗組總分均高於對照組,除柔軟度分向度外,兩組實驗組的肌耐力、瞬發力及心肺耐力分向度皆高於對照組。二、在創造思考能力方面,實驗組二總分優於實驗組一與對照組,兩實驗組在流暢力、標題力、精密力及開放力分向度皆優於對照組;實驗組二在獨創力及創造優異潛能分向度均優於實驗組一與對照 組。三、在數學學科成就方面,實驗組二在低認知層次的知識及理解分向度高於實驗組一與對照組;三組在高認知層次(分析及綜合分向度)無顯著差異。本研究根據研究結果進行討論,並提出未來教育政策擬定與實施和相關研究之建議。 This paper explores the impact of the sufficiency and timing of physical exercise on physical fitness, creative thinking, and mathematics achievement. A pretestposttest quasi-experimental design involved 113 tenth grade students from three senior high school classes in the Taipei metropolitan area to investigate the effects of three instructional strategies-traditional physical education (comparison group), sufficient exercise earlier in the day (experimental group 1), and sufficient exercise immediately before mathematics class (experimental group 2). The collected data were analyzed by ANCOVA and MANCOVA to evaluate any differences among total and sub-scale scores for the three research groups. Our findings demonstrate: (1) Total physical fitness scores were higher for both experimental groups than for the comparison group. Both experimental groups’ subscales scores for muscular endurance, power, and cardiorespiratory endurance outperformed those of the comparison group. (2) Total creative thinking scores for experimental group 2 were higher than those of experimental group 1 and the comparison group. Both experimental groups’ subscale scores for fluency, abstractness of titles, elaboration and resistance to premature closure were higher than those of the comparison group. (3) Math achievement scores, including the lower level cognitive domain subscales of knowledge and comprehension, were higher for experimental group 2 than experimental group 1 and the comparison group. However, no differences were found among the three groups for higher level cognitive domain subscales, including analysis and synthesis. Based these findings, suggestions for further implementation of educational policies and research are proposed. |