Hiperemezis gravidarum etyopatogenezinde Helicobacter pylori enfeksiyonunun yeri --- Helicobacter pylori infection in the ethiopathogenesis of hyperemesis gravidarum

Autor: Murat Ozdil, Sakir Kucukkomurcu, Cuneyt Ozakin, Kemal Ozerkan, Basak Gencler, Orhan Orhan
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2008
Zdroj: Journal of the Turkish-German Gynecological Association, Vol 09, Iss 01, Pp 14-19 (2008)
ISSN: 1309-0380
Popis: AMAC: Bu calismada, Helicobacter pylori gaita antijen testi ve serolojik test kullanarak Helicobacter pylori enfeksiyonu ile hiperemezis gravidarum arasindaki iliskiyi arastirmayi amacladik. MATERYAL-METOD: Hiperemezis gravidarum nedeniyle hastaneye yatirilan 41 olgu ile benzer demografik ozelliklere sahip 40 asemptomatik gebe prospektif olarak calismaya dahil edildi. Olgulardan alinan serum ornekleri Helicobacter pylori’ye spesifik antikorlar (Immunglobulin/IgG ve IgA) acisindan; gaita ornekleri ise gaita antijen testi icin incelendi. Her iki gruptan elde edilen verilerin istatistiksel analizi uygun ki-kare testleri ile yapildi. SONUCLAR: Her iki grup arasinda sosyodemografik ozellikler bakimindan fark saptanmadi. Helicobacter pylori’ye karsi olusan spesifik IgG pozitiflik orani hiperemezis gravidarum grubunda %46.3 iken, asemptomatik kontrol grubunda %67.5 olarak bulundu. Bu fark istatistiksel olarak anlamli degildi (p>0.05); IgA oranlari ise calisma grubunda %4.9, kontrol grubunda %30 olarak bulundu ve bu fark kontrol grubunda anlamli oranda daha yuksek idi (p0.05). TARTISMA: Calismamizin sonucunda, Helicobacter pylori enfeksiyonunun tek basina hiperemezis gravidarum etyopatogenezini aciklayabilmekten uzak kaldigi gorulmustur. Ancak hiperemezis gravidarumu olan gebelerde Helicobacter pylori pozitifliginin belirlenmesinde gaita antijen testi, serolojik olarak saptanan spesifik immunglobulinlerden daha dogru belirleyici ve guvenilir sonuclar verebilecegi dusunulmustur.OBJECTIVE: We aimed to study the relationship between Helicobacter pylori and hyperemesis gravidarum by using the Helicobacter pylori stool antigen test and serologic tests. Materials and Metods: 41 cases who were interned with the diagnosis of hyperemesis gravidarum and 40 asympthomatic pregnant women were prospectively included in the study. Serum samples were studied for Helicobacter pylori specific antibodies (Immunoglobulin/IgG and IgA), were as stool samples were used for stool antigen test. Chi-square tests were used for statistical analysis. RESULTS: There was no difference for demographic properties between two groups. The ratio of Helicobacter pylori specific IgG positiveness was 46.3% for hyperemesis gravidarum group, while it was found 67.5% for the asympthomatic group. This difference was not statistically significant (p>0.05). IgA ratios were 4.9% and 30% fort he study and the control groups, respectively, and this difference was increased significantly in the control group (p0.05). DISCUSSION: As o conclusion, Helicobacter pylori infection alone was not found to be able to describe the etiopathogenesis of hyperemesis gravidarum in this study. But, for revealing the presence of Helicobacter pylori in hyperemesis gravidarum patients, stool antigen test was thought to be more descriptive and confident compared to serologically determined specific immunoglobulins.
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