Effect of Alternating Bending and Texture on Anisotropic Damage and Mechanical Properties of Stainless Steel Sheets

Autor: V.V. Usov, N.M. Shkatulyak, E.A. Dragomeretskaya, E.S. Savchuk, D.V. Bargan, G.V. Daskalytsa
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2016
Zdroj: Mechanics, Materials Science & Engineering, Vol 6, Iss 1, Pp 56-63 (2016)
ISSN: 2414-6935
Popis: Effect of alternating bending and the crystallographic texture on the anisotropy of damage and mechanical properties of stainless steel sheets X5CrNi18-10 at subsequent uniaxial tensile tests were studied. The symmetric tensor of damage of the second order D was used for the analysis of anisotropy damage of sheet material. The only one non-zero component of this tensor D at uniaxial tensile was determined by the defect of the Young’s modulus from the mechanical test data. The value of D was found on relation . Here E0 and E are Young’s modules of the undamaged and tested material, respectively. It was established the anisotropy of the damage and mechanical properties of steel sheets at uniaxial tensile tests of initial sheet as well of sheets after alternating bending. This anisotropy is caused by the texture that is formed in sheets of investigated steel as was showed by correlation analysis.
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