數位圖書博物館的資訊基礎建設──中央研究院Metadata的規劃設計與實施 | Metadata Practice for the Digital Library──A View from Academia Sinica

Autor: 陳亞寧等 Ya-ning Chen et al.
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 1999
Zdroj: Tushuguanxue yu Zixun Kexue, Vol 25, Iss 2 (1999)
ISSN: 0363-3640
Popis: 頁次:71-90面對日益增多的資訊組織需求,已有許多單位從事詮釋資料(Metadata) 的制訂與應用,同時也成為各國數位圖書博物館計畫中的必備研究項目之一。然而,在眾多各式詮釋資料格式元素中,如何選取一套適用的詮釋資料,卻是極為不易。本文主旨在於以中央研究院個案研究為例,探緊詮釋資料的發展設計、規畫分析與實施應用。本文共分為六部份,計有計畫緣起、文獻探討與分析(包括詮釋資料的定義、發展方式、範團與功能、形態、元素的屬性與發展途徑及選擇與評鑑)、實施方式、研究成果、研究發現及結語等。Nowadays diverse metadata formats have been developed and used to organize the digital information and achieve resources discovery. It seems to be a dilemma how to apply specific metadata format to accommodate all different contents similar to Academia Sinica situation. The purpose of this paper will first take a literature review on state-of-the-art of metadata. Then authors will explain how Academia Sinica develops a me1ada1a framework environment to integrate any current metadata formats into a common model. Finally, the paper will clarify the research results and findings, and suggest the future research for Academia Sinica.
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