Ethnic Identity and Conflicts: Lessons from the Kosovo Crisis

Autor: Mossa Hussen Negash
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2015
Zdroj: Volume: 12, Issue: 1 65-76
Alternatives: Turkish Journal of International Relations
Mossa Hussen Negash
ISSN: 2146-0809
Popis: Ethnic identity and conflicts often inter-married in countries where diversities on such grounds were seen as a threat. Conflicts in the post-cold war period have attained a new dimension. The Balkan region has been one of the most conflict prone regions in the world where conflicts arising from ethnic difference were not uncommon. Kosovo, former province of Serbia is a case in point. The roots of Serbia and Albanian communities' conflict regarding Kosovo dated back since the medieval period after the conquest of Kosovo by Serbs. The primary cause may not be ethnicity, rather it is political but once conflicts happen, ethnic identity and history will play pivotal role to manipulate and galvanize support for each parties cause. This article try to assess the interplay between ethnic identity and conflicts resulting the rise of dangerous ethno nationalism in Yugoslavia and contributing repressive violent action against its majority Albanian province, Kosovo and its eventual declaration of unilateral independence.
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