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Golobrst je područje morskog dna gdje prirodno bioraznolika područja bogata fotofilnim algama, pod utjecajem različitih faktora, postaju degradirana staništa kojim dominiraju inkrustrirane alge i gusta populacija morskih ježinaca. Razlozi nastanka golobrsta nisu još dovoljno istraženi, ali najčešći razlog zbog kojeg dolazi do promjene i održavanja takvog stanja, u svijetu, je utjecaj ježinaca. U Jadranskom moru Paracentrotus lividus i Arbacia lixula brštenjem algi mogu kompletno transformirati stanište ukoliko se stvore povoljni uvjeti za njihov razvoj. Istraživanje se provodilo na 13 lokacija istočne obale Jadranskog mora gdje se pratila količina golobrsta, veličine te vrste jedinki koje žive na ispitivanim područjima. Cilj rada bio je dobiti objektivnu sliku trenutnog stanja staništa, iz kojeg možemo pretpostaviti ekološke međuodnose i količinu vanjskih utjecaja te moguće buduće promjene stanja, a kroz višegodišnje istraživanje moći usporediti rezultate i stvoriti novi plan upravljanja ovim životnim zajednicama. Rezultati su pokazali da su sve ispitivane lokacije gusto naseljene ježincima (min. 1.41 jed/m2) gdje većina ima dobro razvijeni golobrst. Najbrojniji su bili ježinci veličina 31 – 50 mm i 11 – 30 mm, a na lokalitetima u većem broju dominirala je vrsta P. lividus. Uočena je razlika u brojnosti i rasprostranjenosti zbog utjecaja predatorskih i kompetitorskih vrsta te staništa. Barren grounds are an area of the seabed where naturally biodiversified areas rich in photophilic algae, influenced by various factors, become degraded into habitats dominated by encrusted algae and dense populations of sea urchins. The reasons for the occurrence of barren grounds have not yet been sufficiently investigated, but the most common reason in the world for changing and maintaining this condition is the influence of the urchins. In the Adriatic Sea, Paracentrotus lividus and Arbacia lixula can completely transform their habitat if there are favorable conditions for their development by feeding on algae. The study was conducted in 13 locations on the east coast of the Adriatic Sea. We monitored the amount of barren grounds, the size and species of individuals living in the tested areas. The goals of the paper were to obtain an objective current habitat status, from which we can assume ecological relations, the amount of external influences, possible future changes in the situation and through many years of research to be able to compare the results and create a new plan for managing these living communities. The results showed that all study sites were densely populated by sea urchins (min. 1.41 units/m2) where most had well-developed barren grounds. The most common were sea urchins 31 - 50 mm and 11 - 30 mm in size, and the sites were mainly dominated by P. lividus. Differences in abundance and distribution were observed due to the influence of predatory and competitor species and habitat. |