下肢の浮腫に対するエアマッサージの効果 : 圧力設定、マッサージモード、治療時間による違い

Jazyk: japonština
Rok vydání: 2015
Popis: 下肢の浮腫に対してエアマッサージがどの程度効果があるのか調査することを目的に、健常者を対象として実際に下腿に加わる圧、異なった圧迫強度やマッサージモード、治療時間における下腿周径の変化とバイタルサインへの影響について調べた。対象は健常成人16名 (男性12名、女性4名、平均年齢24.7±41歳) とした。エアマッサージにはエアマッサージ器ドクターメドマーDM6000(メドマー;メドー産業株式会社)を使用した。測定には圧力設定1から3の3段階と実際によく臨床で使用されるモードであるウェーブモードとスクイーズモードの2種類を使用し、下腿に加わる最大圧を計測した。また、エアマッサージ施行10分、20分、30分後の下腿の最大と最小周径および血圧・脈拍を測定し、施行前に対する変化量を求めた。下腿に加わる最大圧は圧力設定レベルが上がるに従い有意に増加した (p
PURPOSE: Pneumatic compression devices are used to perform air massage. In the present study, we aimed to investigate the effects of air massage on edema of the lower extremities in healthy subjects. METHODS: We included 16 normal healthy subjects in the present study. We assessed the maximum pressure on the cuff of the lower leg interface, change in the maximum and minimum lower leg circumference, and change in the vital signs at the time of air massage. Air massage was performed in 2 different modes, including wave and squeeze; furthermore, air massage was performed using 3 pressure grades from 1 to 3 and the maximum pressure value was determined. The circumference was measured under 2 pressure grades (1 and 2) at 10, 20, and 30 minutes after the air massage, and the amount of change was estimated. Moreover, we recorded the blood pressure and pulse rate when the squeeze mode was used. RESULTS: As the pressure grade was increased, from 1 to 3, the maximum pressure at the cuff of the lower leg interface also increased. As the change in the lower leg circumference was large, the time required for air massage increased as well. When the same air chamber pressure and treatment time were adopted, the change in the lower leg circumference in the squeeze mode was significantly greater than in the wave mode. The blood pressure and pulse rate did not markedly change after the air massage. CONCLUSION: Our results suggested that the reduction of edema in the lower extremities using an air massager influenced the treatment time rather than the level of air chamber pressure. Furthermore, the squeeze mode was more effective for reduction of edema in the lower extremities as compared to the wave mode.
Databáze: OpenAIRE