Cinemática rotacional del cabalgamiento basal surpirenaico en las Sierras Exteriores Aragonesas: Datos magnetotectónicos

Autor: Pueyo Morer, E. L., Millán Garrido, H., Pocoví Juan, A., Parés, J. M.
Rok vydání: 1997
Zdroj: Acta Geologica Hispanica; Vol.: 32 Núm.: 3-4; 237-256
RCUB. Revistas Científicas de la Universidad de Barcelona
Acta geológica hispánica; 1997: Vol.: 32 Núm.: 3-4; p. 237-256
ISSN: 2173-6537
Popis: The magnetotectonic analysis of 32 sites located along the External Sierras (mainly in Middle Eocene marls) shows the primary character of the magnetisation and pennits the differences between the paleovectors obtained to be interpreted as a result of the rotational kinematics of the southpyrenean floor thrust in the study area. The constancy of the directions of the defined unblocking intervals (300"-425°C for the thermal treatment) and the homogeneity of the magnetic carriers (these were always low coercitivity phases, probably sulphides andlor magnetite) prove the stability of the magnetisation. On the other hand, the primary character of the magnetisation (Middle Eocene) can be demonstrated by: a) the constancy of the magnetic inclination (47.3 +/- 1.7) and its similarity with the reference direction; b) the occurrence of reversals, and the positive result of the fold-test made in the Pico del Águila anticline; c) the consistency between the reference direction (DEC = 005", INC = 51°, a95=6 ") and the direction obtained for the authocthonous footwall (DEC = 005", INC = 38", a95= 8") which crops out in the western sector of the Sierras Exteriores thrust front. The interpretation of the paleomagnetic data within the External Sierras structural framework clearly shows that the kinematics of individual thrust sheets involves a clockwise component, at least during a period of their evolution. The maximum rotation values were found in the western and central sectors (42" and 30" respectively). The age of the rotation decreases towards the west along with the age of deformation of the cover rocks. Starting in late Priabonian the kinematics of the thrust front resulted in a lack of rotation in the central sector of the Sierras, while the western sector undenvent a clockwise rotation. The differential movement between both sectors gave rise to the development or reactivation of structures (i. e. Rasal-Anzáñigo anticlines) that articulated the deformation of adjacent zones with different rotational components.
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