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U ovom radu istraživan je utjecaj procesnih parametara prešanja sikavice na efikasnost proizvodnje hladno prešanog ulja te njegovu kvalitetu. Prije prešanja određen je udio ulja u sjemenkama sikavice (26,06 %). Prešanje sjemenki sikavice provedeno je na laboratorijskoj pužnoj preši za proizvodnju hladno prešanih biljnih ulja. Prešanjem sikavice dobivena su tri proizvoda: sirovo ulje, uljni talog i pogača. Prilikom procesa prešanja mijenjali su se procesni parametri: temperatura grijača glave preše kod izlaza pogače, frekvencija elektromotora i nastavak koji regulira veličinu otvora glave preše. Nakon završetka prešanja provedeno je prirodno taloženje od 14 dana dobivenog sirovog ulja, a potom vakuum filtracija. Primjenom standardnih metoda određeni su parametri kvalitete ulja: slobodne masne kiseline, peroksidni broj, udio vlage i isparljivih tvari te udio netopljivih nečistoda. Metodom po Soxhlet-u određivana je količina ulja u sjemenkama i zaostalog ulja u pogači kako bi se odredila efikasnost proizvodnje hladno prešanog ulja sikavice. Rezultati pokazuju da je primjenom nastavka za izlaz pogače promjera 10 mm, frekvencije elektromotora 25 Hz i temperature zagrijavanja glave preše 110 °C dobiven vedi volumen sirovog i hladno prešanog ulja sikavice, niži udio zaostalog ulja u pogači te vedi stupanj djelovanja preše. In this study we have monitored the influence of process parameters on the efficiency of the pressing Milk thistle seed production of cold pressed oil and its quality. Before pressing, the oil content of Milk thistle seeds was determined (26.06%). Milk thistle seeds pressing was carried out on laboratory screw press for production of cold pressed vegetable oils. Three products were obtained by pressing Milk thistle seeds: unpirified crued oil, oil sludge and cake. During the pressing process, the process parameters changed: temperature pf the press heating head at the outlet of cake, the frequency of the electric motors and the extension that regulates the size of the opening press head. After the process of pressing, natural sedimentation of 14 days and vacuum filtration were conducted on unpurified crude oil. By using standard methods we determineted the parametars of oil quality: free faty acid, peroxide value, the proportion of moisture and volatile matter and insoluble impuritie. The amount of oil in the seeds and residual oil in the cake was determined by the Soxhlet method to determine the production efficiency of cold-pressed Milk thistle oil. After applaying the 10 mm press head for cake outcome, 20 Hz frequency of electric motors, and 110 °C heating temperature of press head, the bigger volume of crude and Milk thistle oil was obtained as well as smaller volume of residual oil in the cake and larger level of press operation. |