Real Time Forecasting of Flows and Loads to WWTPs for Enhanced Hydraulic and Biological Capacity during Stormwater Events

Autor: Peter Alexander Stentoft, Luca Vezzaro, Vianney Courdent, Jonas Wied Pedersen, Thomsen, Henrik A. R., Peter Steen Mikkelsen, Bruno Tisserand, Cristophe Amiel
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: Stentoft, P A, Vezzaro, L, Courdent, V, Pedersen, J W, Thomsen, H A R, Mikkelsen, P S, Tisserand, B & Amiel, C 2019, Real Time Forecasting of Flows and Loads to WWTPs for Enhanced Hydraulic and Biological Capacity during Stormwater Events . in Proceedings of 10th edition of the Novatech conference . 10th edition of the Novatech conference, Lyon, France, 01/07/2019 .
Technical University of Denmark Orbit
Popis: Advanced control of integrated urban drainage-wastewater systems can be a smart way to increase the capacity of wastewater treatment plants during stormwater events. We demonstrate tools to forecast flows and loads from the urban drainage system to a wastewater treatment plant based on online data in terms of ammonium measurements at the inflow to the plant, radar nowcasts and flow measurements. These forecasts make it possible to prepare and improve the treatment at the plant so that the risk of discharging insufficiently treated water is minimized. Hence the capacity of the wastewater treatment plant is increased.
Databáze: OpenAIRE