Woman in Typically Male Workplace

Autor: Hlača, Petra
Přispěvatelé: Puljar D'Alessio, Sanja, Miloš, Brigita, Ružić, Boris
Jazyk: chorvatština
Rok vydání: 2021
Popis: Baza ovog diplomskog rada jest kratki dokumentarni film naziva "RADiONA" koji se bavi problematikom rada i žene te analizira četiri različite žene iz različite poslovne sfere (sfera neplaćenog ženskog rada, sfera rada žene na rukovodećem položaju, te sfere rada žene na tipično "ženskom" te tipično "muškom" radnom mjestu- koja čini temelj moje analize). U našem društvu i kulturi prilično je jasno određeno kojim bi se poslovima trebale baviti žene, a kojim muškarci. Osnovno problemsko pitanje rada jest zbog čega dolazi do takve segregacije, kao i načini kako se odvija igranje "uloga" muškog i ženskog roda, kao i ukazivanje na performativnost roda. Cilj rada jest kroz analizu intervjua sa ženom automehaničarkom koja je jedna od sudionica u filmu “RADiONA”, ukazati na načine na koji se stvaraju stereotipi o rodu te dokazati kako kategorije maskuliniteta i feminiteta nisu prirodno dane niti samorazumljive, već naučene i usađene odgojem, kulturom, državnim aparatima, medijima, religijom, umjetnošću i ostalim silnicama koje tvore naš svijet kao takav i pritom utječu na pojedince u svakom segmentu, pa tako i u odabiru karijere o čemu ću najviše govoriti u ovom radu.
The basis of this thesis is a short documentary called "RADiONA" which analyses the problematic link between labor and women. The core of the thesis are four different women from four different business spheres (the sphere of unpaid women's work, the sphere of women's work in a managerial positions, and the sphere of women's work in a typically "female" and the typically “male” workplace- which, as i said, forms the basis of my analysis). In our society and culture, it is quite clear which jobs women should do and which jobs men should do and it is often viewed as „common sense“. The basic problematic issue of the work is why such segregation occurs, and also, the ways in which the playing of the "role" of the masculine and feminine gender takes place. The aim of this paper is to analyze interviews with a female car mechanic who is one of the participants in the film "RADIONA", and to point out the ways in which stereotypes about gender are created. I tried to prove that the categories of masculinity and femininity are not naturally given or selfevident, but learned and instilled by education, culture , state apparatus, media, religion, arts and other forces that form our world as such and at the same time influence individuals in every segment, including career choice, which I will talk about the most in this paper.
Databáze: OpenAIRE