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This Europe-wide, three-year study of women’s employment and career prospects in the Information Society was finalised in December 2001. SERVEMPLOI (Innovations in Information Society Sectors – Implications for Women’s Work, Expertise, and Opportunities in European Workplaces) got financial support from the Targeted Socio-Economic Research Programme of DGXII of the European Commission. The project ran from January 1999 to December 2001 and included eight Euro-pean countries – Denmark, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Spain, Sweden, and the UK2. The reports were organised around seven thematic chapters – Thematic Reports – which contained syntheses material from all of the eight countries in-volved in the study, based upon – National Reports – generated by each national team. The focus was on women’s employment in two service sectors – Retailing and Retail Financial Services. The retail and financial services sectors have a particu-lar significance for the European economy and for women’s employment and is therefore expected to be critical to the ‘Information Society’. They are both sectors which use and transform data, information and knowledge in order to sell their products and services. They are also currently radically reorganising their operations and their use of personnel in pursuit of those operations. These two sectors are also important employers of women. In both, women represent the vast majority of employees, particularly in the lower echelons of organisational hierarchies. Bilaga till Equal opportunities : Swedish final thematic report. Innehåller fallstudier med frågeformulär |