The Old Testament Book of Visdom in the Croatian Glagolitic Breviaries

Autor: Miličić, Irena
Jazyk: chorvatština
Rok vydání: 1999
Zdroj: Slovo : časopis Staroslavenskoga instituta u Zagrebu
Issue 47-48-49
ISSN: 1849-1049
Popis: Na tragu stare ali uvijek aktualne paleokroatističke ideje o rekonstrukciji hrvatskoglagoljske biblije iz liturgijskih knjiga, obrađuje se dosada neproučena starozavjetna Knjiga Mudrosti. Uvodno se istražuje povijesno, književno te- u manjem opsegu - i biblijsko okružje izvornoga grčkog teksta Knjige Mudrosti. Razmatraju se pitanja autorstva i datacije izvornika, te književnopovijesnih prethodnika i uzora: stara bliskoistočna mudrosna predaja i grčki utjecaj. Od trideset rukopisnih brevijara tekst Knjige Mudrosti pronađen je u devetnaest, te u tri tiskana (dva su od toga inkunabule). Najviše pozornosti posvećeno je prikazu tekstova i to metodom potanke usporedbe temeljnog teksta (za koji je odabran I. vrbnički brevijar) s varijantama u kritičkom aparatu koji čini dvadeset i jedan brevijar. U tekstološkoj raspravi prikazani tekstovi raščlanjuju se do u potankost fonološki, morfološki, sintaktički i leksički, a na kraju se raspravlja i o predlošku prijevoda, za koji se nepobitno ustanovljuje da je latinski.
The Old Testament Book of Visdom in the Croatian Glagolitic breviaries. A reconstruction of the Croatian Glagolitic Bible from liturgical books is an old yet always alive idea in the field of the Old Croatian Studies. The Book of Wisdom edited here for the first time is tracing that idea. Introduction deals with the historical, literary and - in a lesser extent - biblical setting of the Greek source of the Book of Wisdom. It answers the question about its authorship, dating, its literacy and historical predecessors and models: the old Near East wisdom tradition and the Greek influence. From the thirty manuscript breviaries the text of the Book of Wisdom has been located in nineteen of them, as well as in the three printed ones (two of them are incunabula). The greatest attention is given to the text analyses by the method of a precise word to word comparison. The First Vrbnik Breviary has been selected as the basic text for that purpose. The compared variants in the footnotes are taken from the corpus od 21 other breviaries. The texts are analysed in details phonologically, morpologically, syntactically and lexically. The final discussion about the source of the translation comes to an irrefutable conclusion that it was a Latine one.
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