Results of the anthropological analysis of the osteological material from Mukoše site near Goriš from 2021

Autor: Kokotović, Tea
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: Annales Instituti Archaeologici
Volume XVIII
Issue 1
ISSN: 1848-6363
Popis: U članku su predstavljeni rezultati antropološke analize koštanih ostataka iz arheoloških iskopavanja provedenih 2021. godine na lokalitetu Mukoše kraj Goriša te preliminarni rezultati antropološke analize svih dosad istraženih i analiziranih kostura s tog lokaliteta. Radiokarbonski datumi dobiveni iz dva uzorka kosti iz grobova pet i šest ukapanje na Mukošama smještaju u 16. stoljeće. Sveukupno je istraženo i analizirano 16 kostura iz 16 grobova, devet dječjih kostura starosti do deset godina te sedam kostura odraslih osoba (četiri muškarca i tri žena) starija od 35 godina. Rezultati antropološke analize uspoređeni su s dostupnim podacima o novovjekovnim populacijama iz Dalmatinske zagore, prvenstveno s rezultatima antropološke analize koštanih ostataka s lokaliteta Koprivno kraj Klisa i Drinovci – Greblje kraj Šibenika. Trenutni rezultati istraživanja ukazuju na nešto bolje uvjete i veću kvalitetu života istraživane populacije no nastavak istraživanja i dodatne informacije omogućit će konkretnije zaključke i usporedbe vezane uz zdravlje i prehranu novovjekovne populacije ukopane na lokalitetu Mukoše.
The paper presents the preliminary results of the anthropological analysis of the osteological material from the archaeological excavations conducted at the Mukoše site near Goriš in 2021 and the preliminary results of the anthropological analysis of all the so far investigated and analysed skeletons from that site. The radiocarbon dating obtained from two osteological samples from graves 5 and 6 roughly places the burials at Mukoše in the 16th century. Altogether 16 skeletons from 16 graves were found and analysed: nine subadults up to the age of 10 and seven adults (4 male and 3 female) older than 35 years. The results of the analysis were compared with the available anthropological data for the Early Modern populations from the Dalmatian hinterland (Dalmatinska Zagora), mainly with the results of the anthropological analysis of the osteological assemblage from the Koprivno site near Klis and the Drinovci – Greblje site near Šibenik. The current results suggest that those buried in Mukoše had a somewhat higher standard of living and greater quality of life than their Early Modern counterparts, but further research and information will provide more concrete comparisons and conclusions regarding the health and diet of the Early Modern population buried at the Mukoše site.
Databáze: OpenAIRE