Autor: | Nikolić, Ivana |
Přispěvatelé: | Gavić, Lidia, Galić, Ivan, Tadin, Antonija, Cigić, Livia |
Jazyk: | chorvatština |
Rok vydání: | 2021 |
Předmět: |
Doktori dentalne medicine
BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE. Dental Medicine. Children's and Preventive Dental Medicine Attitude of Health Personnel Dentists BIOMEDICINA I ZDRAVSTVO. Dentalna medicina. Dječja i preventivna dentalna medicina Stav zdravstvenog osoblja Dentalna skrb za djecu Dental Care for Children |
Popis: | Cilj : Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je ispitati voljnost općih doktora dentalne medicine za rad s djecom. Materijali i metode : U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 361 doktora dentalne medicine na području Republike Hrvatske zaposleni u privatnim ordinacijama ili u Domovima zdravlja. Upitnik se sastojao od 34 pitanja te je bio podijeljen u 3 dijela. Prvi dio upitnika sadržavao je pitanja o općim i demografskim podatcima ispitanika (dobi, spolu, godini završetka fakulteta te mjestu prebivališta). Drugi dio upitnika sadržavao je pitanja o karakteristikama ordinacije u kojem ispitanici rade, načinu rada te terapijskim postupcima koje provode s djecom kao i materijale koje najčešće koriste. Treći dio upitnika odnosio se na stavove o radu s djecom i sastojao se od 12 tvrdnji na koje su odgovori bili ponuđeni u obliku Likertove skale. Rezultati : Svega 12,46% ispitanih doktora dentalne medicine ima pozitivan stav, odnosno voljni su raditi s djecom, dok čak 30,19 % ispitanika ima negativan stav, tj. nisu voljni raditi s djecom. Voljnost za rad s djecom uvelike ovisi o stečenom znanju za vrijeme fakultetskog obrazovanja (R = 0,355; P ≤ 0,001) i spolu (R = - 0,103; P = 0,035). Zaključak : Žene pokazuju veću voljnost za rad s djecom. Postoji povezanost između stupnja educiranosti i voljnosti za rad s djecom. Kao najčešći razlog usmjeravanja pacijenta specijalistu dječje dentalne medicine navodi se nekooperativnost djeteta. Objective: This study aimed to define the willingness of general dentists to treat young children Materials and methods: This study involved 361 dentists in Croatia who work in private practices or Health centers. The questionnaire consisted of 34 questions divided into three parts. The first part of the questionnaire contained demographic data questions (gender, year of graduation, residence). The second part of the inquiry included questions about the characteristics of the dental offices in which the respondents work, the way they work with the therapeutic procedures with children, and the materials they most often use. The third part of the questionnaire referred to attitudes about working with children. It consisted of 12 statements to which the answers were offered on a Likert scale from 1 to 5. Results: Only 12.46% of surveyed dentists have a positive attitude; they are willing to work with children. As many as 30.19% of respondents have a negative attitude; they are unwilling to work with children. Willingness to work with children largely depends on the knowledge acquired during college education (R = 0.355; P ≤ 0.001) and gender (R = - 0.103; P = 0.035). Conclusion: Women are more willing to treat young children. There is a coherency between educational level and willingness to treat young children. General dentist most often refuses to treat young children because of the non-cooperative behavior. |
Databáze: | OpenAIRE |
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