Progress report for the second cold test of a crab cavity for the HL-LHC project

Autor: Miyazaki, Akira
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2021
Popis: Weare preparing to test a prototype crab cavity in GERSEMI vertical test stand in the FREIA laboratory .After the first experiment in 2020, several issues were pointe d out and further investigation andimprovements were performed . Th e issue in beam vacuum and arcing at the RF feedthrough were solvedby replacing the problematic components identified by some experiments . M agnetic field mapping wasperformed to address potential magnetization of the cryostat after the first test of superconductingmagnet in the same cryostat . We also report a new activity in a cleanroom to fix an issue of the pick upantenna which occurred during transport from Geneva to Uppsala
Databáze: OpenAIRE