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EE otpad postao je vrlo velik problem zbog činjenice da se ubrzanim razvojem tehnologije upotrebljava sve veća količina električnih i električkih uređaja. Zbog toga se sve više pažnje posvećuje recikliranju takve vrste otpada. Da bi se što lakše i učinkovitije obavio proces recikliranja potrebno je razvijati opremu za recikliranje. Kvalitetu opreme možemo poboljšati i pravilnim izborom materijala. U ovom radu analizira se metodologija i glavni kriteriji izbora materijala oplate mlina čekićara za usitnjavanje električkog i elektroničkog otpada pri recikliranju. Rad je koncipiran u nekoliko cjelina. U uvodu je ukratko opisan postupak recikliranja EE otpada kao i postupak usitnjavanja čvrstih materijala. Također su analizirani materijali koji se danas koriste za oplate mlina čekićara. U drugoj cjelini nalazi se metodologija izbora materijala i pregled metoda koje se najčešće koriste kod izbora materijala. U završnom djelu rada analizirana su najvažnija svojstva materijala oplate mlina čekićara. Prema analiziranim svojstvima napravljen je predizbor materijala pomoću programskog paketa Ces EduPack 2009. Odabrani materijali rangirani su metodom utjecajnih svojstava te je odabran optimalan materijal. EE waste has become a very big problem because of the fact that the rapid development of technology uses huge amounts of electrical and electronic devices. Therefore, more attention is paid to recycling of such waste. In order to recycle more easily and efficiently, recycling process needs to develop equipment for recycling. The quality of the equipment can be improved by proper selection of materials. This work analyzes the methodology and the main criteria for the selection of materials for the plating hammer mill for shredding electric and electronic waste during recycling. The work is divided into several sections. The introduction describes the process of recycling electronic waste, as well as the shredding of solid materials. Also, materials used today for the plating a hammer mill are analyzed. The second part describes the methodology for the selection of materials and methods that are commonly used in the selection of materials are presented. In the final part of the thesis the most important properties of the material for the plating hammer mill are analyzed. According to the important material characteristics a pre-selection of materials is made using the software package Ces EduPack 2009. Selected materials are ranked using the influential properties method, and the optimal material is selected. |