Tensile properties of polymer composites reinforced with flax fibers

Autor: Dundović, Petar
Přispěvatelé: Haramina, Tatjana
Jazyk: chorvatština
Rok vydání: 2022
Popis: Lanena i staklena vlakna imaju usporediva mehanička svojstva, no povezivanje polarnih bioloških vlakana s apolarnom polimernom matricom predstavlja problem kod prenošenja opterećenja s matrice na ojačalo. U ovom radu istražen je utjecaj vrste smole i ojačala na rastezna svojstva kompozita. Epoksidna (EP) i poliesterska smola (UP) ojačane su lanenim i staklenim vlaknima. Načinjeni su kompoziti UP/lan, UP/staklo, EP/lan te dva kompozita EP/lan/staklo slagana na način da su staklena vlakna u jednom od njih u sredini, dok su kod drugog u blizini vanjskih ploha. Rezultati ispitivanja uspoređeni su s pravilima Hrvatskog registra brodova (HRB) za kompozite ojačane staklenim vlaknima. Rastezna svojstva istraženih kompozita bolja su od minimalnih propisanih vrijednosti s izuzetkom posljednjeg hibrida kod kojeg je došlo do grešaka pri izradi. Kompozit ojačan staklenim vlaknima superioran je kompozitima s lanenim vlaknima, što pokazuje važnost dobre povezanosti matrice i ojačala. Međutim rastezna svojstva kompozita s lanenim vlaknima također su u skladu s pravilima HRB-a. Flax and glass fibers have comparable mechanical properties, but the adhesion of polar biological fibers with an apolar polymer matrix presents a problem in transferring the load from the matrix to the reinforcement. In this work, the influence of the type of resin and reinforcement on tensile properties of composites was investigated. Epoxy (EP) and polyester resin (UP) are reinforced with flax and glass fibers. Composites UP/flax, UP/glass, EP/flax and two composites EP/flax/glass were prepared in such a way that the glass fibers in one of them are in the middle plane, while in the other they are near the outer surfaces. The test results were compared with the rules of the Croatian Register of Shipping (CRS) for composites reinforced with glass fibers. The tensile properties of the investigated composites are better than the minimum prescribed values, with the exception of the last hybrid composite, where manufacturing errors occurred. Composites reinforced with glass fibers are superior to those with flax fibers, which shows the importance of a good bonding between the matrix and the reinforcement. However, the tensile properties of composites with flax fibers are also in accordance with the CRS rules.
Databáze: OpenAIRE