Changes in Commuting Habits of the Employees in Sisak Industry under Conditions of De-industrialization

Autor: Zdenko Braičić
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2012
Zdroj: Migracijske i Etniĉke Teme, Vol 28, Iss 2, Pp 189-214 (2012)
Migracijske i etničke teme
Volume 28
Issue 2
ISSN: 1848-9184
Popis: Predmet rada jest analiza promjena u dnevnom kretanju zaposlenih u Sisku i njegovoj industriji u uvjetima deindustrijalizacije i tržišnog prestrukturiranja gospodarstva tijekom protekla dva desetljeća. Sisak je do devedesetih godina prošlog stoljeća bio značajni centar rada s naglašenom industrijskom funkcijom, a samim tim i važni centar dnevnih cirkulacija iz svoje okolice. Pad broja zaposlenih oslabio je privlačnu snagu grada. Promjene intenziteta i gravitacijskog područja dnevnih cirkulacija te sastava cirkulanata analizirane su za razdoblje od 1991. do 2001. uz pomoć podataka službene državne statistike o centrima rada. Detaljnija analiza industrijom uvjetovane dnevne cirkulacije provedena je za 2009. godinu na uzorku pet većih industrijskih subjekata grada Siska. Rezultati govore da se broj dnevnih cirkulanata zaposlenih u industriji smanjio više od ukupnog broja cirkulanata te da se područje intenzivnije dnevne pokretljivosti suzilo, pogotovo u južnom dijelu sisačke regije. U skladu s promjenama gospodarske strukture grada, posebno sa smanjenom važnošću teške industrije, uočene su promjene u sastavu dnevnih cirkulanata prema spolu i obrazovanju, tj. evidentan je porast udjela žena i visokoobrazovanih. Ispitana je i povezanost udaljenosti koju cirkulanti dnevno prelaze s njihovim spolnim i obrazovnim sastavom.
This paper presents an analysis of the changes in commuting habits of the employees in Sisak and its industry under conditions of de-industrialization and restructuring of the economy over the last two decades. Until the 1990s, Sisak was a significant work centre with the emphasis on its industry, and at the same time an important centre for commuters from its surrounding area. A resulting decline in the number of the employed led to a decline in the town’s attractiveness. Changes in the intensity and gravitation areas of commuters, as well as their structure, were analysed for the period between 1991 and 2001 on the basis of the official State statistics data on work centres, while a more detailed analysis of industry-motivated commuting was conducted for the year 2009 on the sample of five larger industrial subjects in Sisak. The results show a distinct decrease in the number of commuters employed in industry rather than in the overall number of commuters, as well as a reduction in the area of intensive daily mobility, especially in the southern part of the Sisak region. In accordance with the changes in the economic structure of the town, and especially with the decrease in the importance of the heavy industry, some changes in the structure of commuters according to gender and education have been observed, i.e. there is an evident increase in the number of women and highly educated people. The correlation between the distance that commuters travel on a daily basis and their gender and education structure has also been examined.
Databáze: OpenAIRE