Home, Smart Home:A Danish Energy-Positive Home Designed with Daylight

Autor: Hansen, Ellen Kathrine, Olesen, Gitte Gylling Hammershøj, Mullins, Michael
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2013
Zdroj: Hansen, E K, Olesen, G G H & Mullins, M 2013, Home, Smart Home : A Danish Energy-Positive Home Designed with Daylight . in Proceedings of the IEEE : Special Issue: The Smart Home . 11 edn, vol. 101, IEEE, Proceedings of the IEEE, pp. 2436-2449 . https://doi.org/10.1109/JPROC.2013.2267622
Popis: Artiklen sætter fokus på mulighederne for at høste energi direkte fra solen ved brug af intelligente vinduer. Design og udvikling af intelligente teknologier integreret i vinduets design skaber unikke udfordringer og muligheder for at designe bygninger med de bedst mulige omgivelser for mennesker og natur. Gennem en tværfaglig tilgang behandles samspillet mellem dagslys defineret i tekniske termer og dagslys er defineret i æstetiske, arkitektoniske udtryk. Gennem feltstudier af et dansk CO2 neutral hjem samt analyse af de fem vigtigste parametre, udforskes modsætninger og muligheder i intelligente bygninger samt brug af det smarte vindue som eksempel på, hvordan livskvalitet og tekniske fremskridt syntetiseres. Der fokuseres på behovet for at definere kvantitative og kvalitative værdier og syntetisere dem i en hybrid design tilgang, for at skabe et hus der tilpasser sig skiftende klima og opfylde de menneskelige behov samt det beregnede energibehov. Artiklen belyser udformningen af intelligente huse som levende organismer ved at forbinde beboernes behov med energien og skønheden i naturen. The article places focus on how smart technologies integrated in a one family- home and particular the window offer unique challenges and opportunities for designing buildings with the best possible environments for people and nature. Toward an interdisciplinary approach, we address the interaction between daylight defined in technical terms and daylight defined in aesthetic, architectural terms. Through field-tests of a Danish carbon-neutral home and an analysis of five key design parameters, we explore the contradictions and potentials in smart buildings, using the smart window as example of how quality of life and technical advances are synthesized and when they contradict. We focus on the need to define quantitative and qualitative values and synthesize these in a hybrid design approach, toward allowing the house to adapt to changing climate, satisfy the human needs of the occupants, together with meeting calculated energy requirements. Thus, integrating windows as key design elements in energy-positive buildings address aesthetic as well as technical potentials. This integration of factors can both support and counterbalance one other in the design process. We maintain that a hybrid approach to the energy design is central. The study illuminates an approach of the design of smart houses as living organisms by connecting technology with the needs of the occupants with the power and beauty of daylight.
Databáze: OpenAIRE