Calibration aspects of a polarimetric phased array airborne SAR [L'Etalonnage d'un SAR aeroporte polarimetrique a antenna active}

Autor: Snoeij, P., Hoogeboom, P., Koomen, P.J., Vermeulen, B.C.B., Paquay, M.H.A., Pouwels, H.
Rok vydání: 1994
Zdroj: Radar 94-International Conference on Radar / Colloque International sur le Radar, 3-6 May, 1994, Paris, France, 592-595
Popis: Purpose of calibration is to get an accurate and Precise instrument. The precision of the instrument can be determined using internal calibration, while the accuracy is denoted with absolute calibration. With internal calibration only the instrument is considered. Because of practical considerations the antenna is usually discarded in this type of calibration. When a phased array antenna is used this decoupling is no longer possible, because the antenna is now part of the whole system. Internal calibration becomes quite difficult to perform in the case of a phased array antenna with distributed transmitters and receivers. This paper will discuss the different calibration aspects in the case of a polarimetric SAR system and the implementation in the system.
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