Characteristics and Conditions of Entrepreneurship in Eastern Europe

Autor: Marinov, Marin Alexandrov, Marinova, Svetla Trifonova
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2017
Zdroj: Marinov, M A & Marinova, S T 2017, ' Characteristics and Conditions of Entrepreneurship in Eastern Europe ', Journal for East European Management Studies, vol. Special issue 2017, 1, pp. 17-34 .
Popis: Establishing of new small businesses is an intensive process in the whole of Eastern Europe. As they are new, most of them are in the introductory phases of their existence (survival, consolidation and control). Contemporary industrial and market structure in the countries of Eastern Europe provides entrepreneurs with many opportunities for niche company creation. However, many problems exist related to the lack of resources (mostly financial), inadequate knowledge and skills in management and marketing needed in market economies, insufficient availability of business support organisations combined with inappropriate understanding and attitude among managers in the newly created businesses towards the existing business support organisations.
Databáze: OpenAIRE