SENSORIA - D3.3A - An Overview of Techniques for Behavioural Properties

Autor: Caires L., Zawbocki A., Corradini A., Mazzanti F., Loreti M., Nielson H. R.
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2006
Zdroj: Project report, SENSORIA, Deliverable D3.3.a, 2006
Popis: The main goal of WP3 is to coordinate the partners efforts towards the development of qualitative analysis methods for global services. In particular, this deliverable reports on the research activity carried on during the first 12 months by the SENSORIA partners in the advancement of the state of art for a wide spectrum of techniques suitable for the description and analysis of the behavioral properties of services. Twelve original contributions have emerged as result of this research activity. In the following sections of this document an overview is given of the performed activity and the results are described with a limited level of technical details . The full details of the contributions can be found in the twelve papers mentioned in the final "Relevant Sensoria Publications and Reports" Section.
Databáze: OpenAIRE