Hetairoi – key factors of succes of Alexander the Great

Autor: Nović, Renato
Přispěvatelé: Serventi, Zrinka
Jazyk: chorvatština
Rok vydání: 2022
Popis: Hetairoi su bili suradnici Aleksandra Velikog te su u njegovoj službi obnašali vojne i administrativne funkcije. Kako je gotovo cijelu vladavinu proveo u sukobima, njegovi družbenici i pouzdanici su bili prvenstveno zapovjednici, dok su samo neki od njih bili specifično zaduženi za administraciju ili diplomaciju. Njihove su dužnosti rasle s vremenom kao i Makedonsko Carstvo, pa samim time i njihova moć na dvoru ili u vojsci. Rad sukladno tome opisuje sve funkcije koje su Aleksandrovi hetairoi obnašali, ali i izdvaja one najistaknutije među njima. Nadalje opisuje razlike između družbenika i pouzdanika i koliko prijateljske te obiteljske veze imaju utjecaja na dvoru, primarno kroz suprotne klanove i različite agende. Osim pozitivnih utjecaja na Aleksandrovu vladavinu, rad će prikazati i one negativne koje su dolazile i iz suparničkih redova, ali i od onih koji su odrasli u njegovoj blizini. Obrađuje se i odnos i sukob između struja koje su imale drugačije poglede na stapanje Istoka i Zapada, ali i koje su usprkos svemu bile vjerne kralju te se u konačnici rada kratko opisuje što se dogodilo s nasljeđem Aleksandra Velikog. Hetairoi were collaborators of Alexander the Great and they held military and administrative functions in his service. As he spent almost the entire reign in conflicts, his associates and confidants were primarily commanders, while only few of them were specifically in charge of administration or diplomacy. Their duties grew over time, as did the Macedonian Empire, and thus their power at court and in the army. The paper will therefore describe all the functions held by Alexander's hetairoi, but also single out the most prominent ones among them. It further describes the differences between companions and confidants and how friendships and family ties have influence at court, primarily through opposing clans and different agendas. In addition to the positive influences on Alexander's reign, the paper will also show the negative ones that came from rival ranks, but also from those who grew up near him. The paper will also deal with relationships and conflicts between groups that had different views on the merging of East and West, some of which were loyal to the king despite everything, and at the end the paper will briefly describe what happened to the legacy of Alexander the Great.
Databáze: OpenAIRE