The role of physiotherapists in the prevention of urinary incontinence in pregnancy

Autor: Hrastić, Ivana
Přispěvatelé: Kuzmić, Anica
Jazyk: chorvatština
Rok vydání: 2022
Popis: Trudnoća, ili popularno nazvano, drugo stanje, period je u životu žene fertilnih godina u kojem dolazi do razvijanja ploda unutar maternice. Maternica je organ smješten u zdjelici koji kroz trudnoću raste kako plod raste i razvija se. Vremenski je period fiziološke trudnoće definiran između 37.- og i 42.-og tjedna, s time da može doći i do ranijeg poroda koji se tada naziva prijevremenim porodom. Kako plod raste zajedno s maternicom, dolazi i do promjena na ostalim organskim sustavima žene. Dolazi do promjene tjelesne mase, odnosno njenog rasta, kardiovaskularnih, respiratornih, posturalnih prilagodbi, mišićnih promjena, promjena obrasca hoda, hormonalnih promjena te neurovaskularnih promjena. Posturalne se prilagodbe događaju kroz cijelu trudnoću, a počinju biti izraženije u drugom i trećem tromjesečju. U cervikalnom dijelu kralježnice dolazi do povećana cervikalne lordoze, u području torakalne kralježnice dolazi do povećanja torakalne kifoze zbog slabljenja mišića te skraćenja pektoralnih mišića što posljedično dovodi do unutarnje rotacije ramenog obruča. Također, dolazi i do povećanja lumbalne lordoze uz smanjenje gibljivosti lumbalnog dijela kralježnice zbog rasta maternice te širenja trudničinog trbuha. Osim na abdomen i na posturu trudnice, rast uterusa, također, utječe na mišiće zdjeličnog dna i na organe smještene unutar zdjelice. Posljedično s povećanjem uterusa dolazi do smanjenja kapaciteta zaprimanja mokraće mokraćnog mjehura te do slabljenja mišića zdjeličnog dna. Urinarna inkontinencija stanje je kod koje dolazi do nemogućnosti zadržavanja mokraće. Postoji nekoliko vrsta urinarne inkontinencije pa se tako dijeli na stresnu ili statičku, urgentnu, prelijevajuću, miješanu, funkcionalnu, neurogeni mjehur i hiperfleksiju mjehura. U trudnoći se najčešće javlja stresna ili statička vrsta inkontinencije prilikom povećanja intraabdominalnog tlaka kod kašlja, kihanja, smijanja, podizanja nekog tereta i slično. Fizioterapija ima veliku ulogu u prevenciji i liječenju urinarne inkontinencije. Primjenjuju se vježbe za jačanje mišića zdjeličnog dna i Knack metoda. Vježbama za mišiće zdjeličnog dna mišićima se povećava snaga i izdržljivost te se ponovno uspostavlja, poboljšava i održava njihova funkcija. Knack metoda označuje pravodobnu kontrakciju mišića zdjeličnog dna prije, odnosno, prilikom povećanja intraabdominalnog tlaka kod kašlja ili kihanja. U radu je navedeno i istraživanje koje je provedeno među trudnicama s ciljem ispitivanja koliko se od trudnica koje su sudjelovale u ispitivanju susreće s urinarnom inkontinencijom te kako ona utječe na njihov svakodnevni život Pregnancy, or as it is popularly called, the second condition, is a period in the life of a woman of fertile years in which the fetus develops inside the uterus. The uterus is an organ located in the pelvis that grows throughout pregnancy as the fetus grows and develops. The time period of physiological pregnancy is defined between the 37th and 42nd weeks, with the fact that earlier birth can occur, which is then called premature birth. As the fetus grows together with the uterus, changes occur in the other organ systems of the woman. There is a change in body weight, i.e. its growth, cardiovascular, respiratory, postural adjustments, muscle changes, changes in walking patterns, hormonal changes, and neurovascular changes. Postural adjustments occur throughout pregnancy, and they begin to be more pronounced in the second and third trimesters. In the cervical part of the spine, there is increased cervical lordosis, in the area of the thoracic spine there is an increase in thoracic kyphosis due to weakening of the muscles and shortening of the pectoral muscles, which consequently leads to internal rotation of the shoulder girdle. Also, there is an increase in lumbar lordosis with a decrease in the mobility of the lumbar part of the spine due to the growth of the uterus and the expansion of the pregnant woman's belly. In addition to the abdomen and the pregnant woman's posture, the growth of the uterus also affects the muscles of the pelvic floor and the organs located inside the pelvis. Consequently, with the increase of the uterus, there is a decrease in the capacity of the urinary bladder to receive urine and a weakening of the muscles of the pelvic floor. Urinary incontinence is a condition in which there is an inability to hold urine. There are several types of urinary incontinence, so it is divided into stress or static, urgent, overflow, mixed, functional, neurogenic bladde,r and bladder hyperflexion. In pregnancy, stress or static incontinence occurs most often when the intra-abdominal pressure increases during coughing, sneezing, laughing, lifting a load, etc. Physiotherapy plays a major role in the prevention and treatment of urinary incontinence. Exercises to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles and the Knack method are used. Pelvic floor muscle exercises increase muscle strength and endurance and restore, improve and maintain their function. The Knack method refers to the timely contraction of the pelvic floor muscles before, or during the increase in intra-abdominal pressure during coughing or sneezing. The paper also mentions the research that was conducted among pregnant women to examine how many of the pregnant women who participated in the study experience urinary incontinence and how it affects their daily life.
Databáze: OpenAIRE