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Cilj rada bio je ispitati termofizička svojstva modelnih otopina hidrokoloida (guara i ksantana u koncentraciji od 0,6 %), kao i utjecaj hidrokoloida i šećera (saharoze, trehaloze, u koncentraciji od 50 %), na termofizička svojstva punila od višnje pripravljena na bazi soka višnje. Termička analiza uzoraka provedena je pomoću diferencijalnog motridbenog kalorimetra, a praćeni su parametri staklastog prijelaza, kristalizacije i taljenja. Uspoređujući termičko ponašanje soka višnje sa otopinama guara i ksantana utvrđeno je da sok ima niže vrijednosti temperature i entalpije taljenja, entalpije kristalizacije, i više vrijednosti temperature kristalizacije od otopina guara i ksantana. U punilima sa saharozom dobivene su niže vrijednosti temperature staklastog prijelaza u odnosu na sustave sa trehalozom, što može poslužiti kao primjer važnosti dodatka trehaloze kod povećanja stabilnosti sustava, posebno u području temperatura staklastog prijelaza. The aim of this study was to investigate the thermophysical properties of the hydrocolloid model solutions (guar and xanthan at a concentration of 0.6%) as well as the influence of hydrocolloids and sugars (sucrose and trehalose at a concentration of 50%) on thermophysical properties of sour cherry fillings based on sour cherry juice. Thermal analysis of the samples was performed using a differential scanning calorimeter, and the parameters of the glass transition, crystallization and melting were monitored. Comparing the thermal behavior of sour cherry juice with guar and xanthan solutions, it has been found that the juice has lower melting temperature and enthalpy of melting, enthalpy of crystallization, and higher crystallization temperature values than guar and xanthan solutions. The sucrose fillings had lower values of glass transition temperature values compared to the trehalose systems, which can serve as an example of the importance of trehalose addition in increasing the stability of the system, particularly in glass transition temperature range. |