Agnosticizam i vjerski indiferentizam

Autor: Lino Veljak
Jazyk: chorvatština
Rok vydání: 2013
Zdroj: Diacovensia : teološki prilozi
Volume 21
Issue 2
ISSN: 1330-2655
Popis: U ovomu radu autor pokušava istražiti narav odnosa između sekularizacije, agnosticizma (kao i ateizma) i rasta vjerskoga indiferentizma i praktičke ravnodušnosti u pogledu vjerskih pitanja i transcendentnih dimenzija bivstvovanja. Sekularizacija nije proizvela indiferentizam (izuzmemo li rast relativizma i pluralizaciju svjetonazora), ali je prosvjetiteljstvo utjecalo na porast vjerskoga indiferentizma, a istovremeno i na rast praktičkoga indiferentizma; moderni je materijalistički ateizam proizveo antiteističke prakse, posebice u zemljama tzv. realnoga socijalizma. Suzbijanje religije i prakticiranja vjere nije dovelo do marginalizacije religioznosti, ali praktički/praktični materijalizam modernoga i postmodernoga potrošačkog društva rezultira napredovanjem suvremenoga moralnog relativizma i vjerske ravnodušnosti. Otvoreno pitanje: jesu li religiozni ljudi u moralnom pogledu bolji od onih koji ne vjeruju?, moglo bi se razriješiti odgovorom na pitanje: jesu li zlo, nasilje i nečovječnost u našim vremenima rastućega teorijskog agnosticizma i praktičke ravnodušnosti vidljiviji negoli u klasičnim vremenima jedinstva države i Crkve? Pitanje moralnosti dade se razriješiti samo praktički, a ne doktrinarnim raspravama o vjeri i o agnosticizmu.
This paper will try to investigate the nature of relation between secularization, agnosticism (as well as atheism) and the growth of religious indifferentism and practical indifference concerning the questions of faith and transcendental dimensions of being. Secularization didn't produce indifferentism (with the exception of the growth of relativism and pluralization of conceptions of world), but the Enlightenment influenced the progression of religious indifferentism and in the same time the growth of practical indifference; modern materialistic atheism produced antitheistic practices, especially in the countries of so-called real socialism. The repression against religion and religious practice didn't produce the marginalization of religiosity, but practical materialism of modern and postmodern consumerist societies is producing the progression of contemporary moral relativism and indifference. The open question whether religious people are in the moral sense better than irreligous people could be resolved through the answer to the question: are evil, violence and inhumanity in our times of progression of theoretical agnosticism and practical indifferentism more visible than in classic times of unity between State and Church? The question of morality could be resolved only through practice, not through doctrinarian discussions about faith and agnosticism.
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