β-glucan as a biofixator of aflatoxin M1

Autor: Baruškin, Marko
Přispěvatelé: Frece, Jadranka
Jazyk: chorvatština
Rok vydání: 2018
Popis: Metode uklanjanja i/ili redukcije mikotoksina koje se koriste u prehrambenoj industriji troše velike količine energije i kemijskih sredstava, stoga biološke metode sve više dobivaju na značaju zbog svoje netoksičnosti i ekološkog aspekta. Cilj ovog rada je bio ispitati djelotvornost komercijalnog β-glukana dobivenog iz zobi i β-glukana izoliranog iz kvaščeve biomase prilikom vezanja aflatoksina M1 iz umjetno kontaminiranog mlijeka. Obje vrste β-glukana su pokazale sposobnost vezanja AFM1, iako je β-glukan dobiven iz zobi pokazao malo veću efikasnost vezanja (65%) u odnosu na β-glukan izoliran iz kvasca (63,6%). Također je uočljiva nelinearnost prilikom vezanja toksina tijekom 24 sata β-glukanom iz kvasca u usporedbi s β-glukanom iz zobi, što se može objasniti reverzibilnom reakcijom stvaranja kompleksa AFM1- β-glukan. The methods of removing and/or reducing mycotoxins used in food industry consume large amounts of energy and chemical resources, so biological methods are becoming increasingly important due to their non-toxicity and ecological aspects. The aim of this thesis was to investigate the efficacy of commercial β-glucan obtained from oats and β-glucan isolated from yeast biomass on binding aflatoxin M1 from artificially contaminated milk. Both types of β-glucans demonstrated the ability to bind AFM1, although β-glucan obtained from the oats showed slightly higher binding efficacy (65%) than β-glucan isolated from yeast (63,6%). There is also notable nonlinearity during 24 hours of toxin binding with β-glucan from yeast compared to β-glucan from oats, which can be explained by the reversible reaction of AFM1-β-glucan complex formation.
Databáze: OpenAIRE