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Hiter razvoj mobilne tehnologije je definitivno zaznamoval obdobje, v katerem živimo. Izpostaviti velja pametne mobilne telefone, ki v zadnjem desetletju zaradi svoje vsestranske uporabnosti in preprostosti doživljajo strm vzpon. Večanje uporabnosti teh naprav je med drugim posledica integracije novih tehnologij, senzorjev, čipov itd. Mednje spada tudi tehnologija NFC, ki večini uporabnikov še vedno predstavlja neznanko in tako njen potencial ostaja neizkoriščen. Osrednja tema diplomskega dela je implementacija sistema za nadzorovanje in upravljanje virov društva preko tehnologije NFC. Pojem društvo sam po sebi predstavlja precej abstraktno definicijo, zato je praktično nemogoče izdelati povsem univerzalen sistem, ki bi ustrezal vsem društvom. Realizirana programska rešitev je skladna s potrebami športnega društva Poskokec, čigar osnovno dejavnost predstavlja prirejanje športnih aktivnosti v obliki dogodkov za širšo javnost. Gre za celovit sistem, sestavljen iz namiznih storitev za organizacijo društva ter mobilnih storitev operiranja na terenu. Uporaba tehnologije NFC mobilnim storitvam doda podporo identificiranju, beleženju prisotnosti ter izmenjavi manjših količin tekstovnih podatkov. Tovrsten pristop k nadzorovanju virov lahko predstavimo kot alternativo obstoječim rešitvam številnih organizacij, ki se poslužujejo dodatnih kartic, aplikacij in ostalih pripomočkov. The fast development of mobile technology has definitely marked the times we are living in. Smartphones especially must be pointed out, having been experiencing a steep rise in the past decade due to their versatility. The improved usefulness of these devices is a consequence of the integration of new technologies, sensors, chips, etc. NFC technology is also a part of this, but it is still unknown to the majority of users and, consequently, its potential remains unused. The central topic of the thesis is the implementation of management and control of sources of an association through NFC technology. The notion association in itself represents a quite abstract definition, which makes it is impossible to create a completely universal system that would suit all associations. The implemented software solution is in accordance with the needs of the Poskokec sports association whose basic activity is the organisation of sports activities in the form of events for the general public. It is a comprehensive system, composed from desktop services for association organisation and mobile services for field operation. The use of NFC services adds identification support, presence checking, and exchange of smaller quantity of text data to mobile services. Such an approach to source management can be presented as an alternative to existing solutions of many organisations which use additional cards, applications and other accessories. |