Morphological changes in the organs of gilts induced with low-dose atrazine

Autor: Stipica Ćurić, Tihomira Gojmerac, Marijan Žurić
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 1999
Zdroj: Veterinarski arhiv
Volume 69
Issue 3
ISSN: 0372-5480
Popis: In this study we have investigated morphological changes in organs of gilts treated with low doses of atrazine, and s-triazine herbicide. Gilts (cross-bred Swedish and German Landrace) received 2 mg atrazine kg-1 body mass in feed during 19 days of the oestrus cycle. The final day of treatment corresponded to day -3 of the onset of the next expected oestrus. Macroscopically, in treated gilts we have found cystic ovarian degeneration. Histopathologically, mild parenchymatous degeneration of liver was noted, with mild chronic interstitial hepatitis and stenosis, as well as irregular shape of bile ducts. In kidneys we found sub-acute glomerulitis with atrophy of single glomerules and parenchymatous degeneration with desquamation epithelial cells of some tubules and appearance of proteinaceous casts in their lumen. A cereal degeneration of a small number of muscular fibres was noted in the myocard. Multiple follicular cysts and persisting corpus luteum existed in ovaries, while the uterus was in a resting period (dioestrus). Additionally, lymphoid depletion in lymphoid follicles of lymph nodes and spleen was observed, as well as infiltration of lymphocytes in interstitial tissue of liver and kidneys, together with infiltration of eosinophils in liver and lymph nodes.
Istražene su morfološke promjene u organima nazimica iz intenzivnog uzgoja tretiranih niskim dozama atrazina, s-triazinskog herbicida. Nazimice (križanci švedskog i njemačkog landrasa) dobivale su 2 mg atrazina na 1 kg tjelesne mase u hrani dnevno, tijekom 19 dana estrusnog ciklusa. Posljednji dan davanja odgovarao je s danom -3 od početka slijedećeg očekivanog estrusa. Makroskopski, u tretiranih nazimica nađena je jedino cistična degeneracija ovarija. Histopatološki, uočena je blaga parenhimska centrolobularna degeneracija jetre s blagim kroničnim intersticijskim hepatitisom te suženje i nepravilni oblici žučnih vodova. U bubrezima je nađen subakutni glomerulitis, atrofija pojedinih glomerula i parenhimska degeneracija s deskvamacijom epitelnih stanica nekih tubula i pojavom proteinskih odljevaka u njihovom lumenu. U srčanom misiću je nađena voštana degeneracija pojedinačnih misićnih vlakana. U jajnicima su postojale multiple folikularne ciste i perzistentna žuta tijela, dok je maternica bila u fazi mirovanja (diestrus). Također, nađena je limfoidna deplecija u limfoidnim folikulima limfnih čvorova i slezene, kao i infiltracija limfocita u intersticiju jetre i bubrega i eozinofilnih granulocita u jetri i limfnim čvorovima.
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