Association between thoracic muscle mass assessed by high-resolution computed tomography and static lung volume in patients with COPD - a pilot study

Autor: Mia Solholt Godthaab Brath, Esben Bolvig Mark, Jens Brøndum Frøkjær, Pernille Veiss-Pedersen, Lasse Riis ؘstergaard, Henrik Højgaard Rasmussen, Ulla Møller Weinreich
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: Brath, M S G, Mark, E B, Frøkjær, J B, Veiss-Pedersen, P, Østergaard, L R, Rasmussen, H H & Weinreich, U M 2022, ' Association between thoracic muscle mass assessed by high-resolution computed tomography and static lung volume in patients with COPD-a pilot study ', European Respiratory Society, Annual congress, Barcelona, Spain, 04/09/2022-06/09/2022 .
Aalborg University
Databáze: OpenAIRE