Orchids of Medvednica Natural Park, Croatia

Autor: Hrsak, Vladimir, Nikolic, Toni, Plazibat, Mihovil, Sven Jelaska, Bukovec, Dragan
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 1999
Zdroj: ResearcherID
Popis: During the floristic mapping in the Medvednica Natural Park in the vicinity of Zagreb (Croatia) special attention was devoted to the orchid family. The total of 22 species of Orchidaceae was recorded in this 228 km2 area. According to the distribution maps, the most widespread species are: Neottia nidus-avis, Cephalanthera damasonium and Platanthera bifolia. Of the recorded orchid taxa as many as 68% have the IUCN status of the endangered or vulnerable species. Mapping at fields MTB1/64 proved to be an appropriate resolution for the protected areas. Mapping did not confirm finds of 11 orchid taxa recorded in the literature and/or stored in herbaria, due to possible causes of qualitative and quantitative changes in the antropogenous influences from the close-by urban zone. This floristic mapping, the first systematic attempt in Croatia, has produced the collection of the most data, so far, on the floristic composition of orchids in the researched area.
Databáze: OpenAIRE